I'm Jordynn!

You found your go-to blog for fear-casting, life-living and fruit producing. I'll be demystifying what it takes to build a profitable brand on social media while living a life you love and walking in purpose. Are you ready?

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Find Your Niche With These 5 Questions:

Do you know the world needs you on social media? No seriously, have you sat down in a quiet space and thought about why you exists on social media?  It’s critical to your success online to know your purpose. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself to help you get down to the nitty gritty. 

Find your niche so you can start creating content with more intent, more impact and less confusion. 

1. What do you love?

2. What are people constantly telling you that you are good at?

3. What value, info or knowledge can you bring to Insta?

4. What content of yours gets the most traction and engagement?

5. Have you taken a poll or ask your followers what they want or need to see from you?
Once you do some soul-searching, drop me a line. I want to hear what you came up with. Tell me…what is your why? Watch my niche reel here.

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Make Money on Instagram 

You work way too hard creating content on Instagram to not get paid.

You've seen influencers living their best lives and making an extra stream of income and now you want in!